
Tie Gallery



▪️ Location: Piraeus
▪️ Property Type: Retail
▪️ Size: 40m²
▪️ Design / Construction: 2007

The retail shop «tie gallery» is situated in one of the most significant commercial axis in Piraeus.

The proportions of the store (3,20m X 7,80m), its narrow face to the street and the fact that the building in which it is situated is an old and conserved building, were the factors that determined the design of the space.

The principles of the synthesis are based on the challenge to force the spectator/client not to just look at the shop window but to focus on the interior structure of the store. To accomplish the above, a shell construction is created, that as a three dimensional cover reverses the boundaries of the vertical and the horizontal surfaces while simultaneously it reveals the main structural elements: frame and skin. It is this shell construction that serves as show case for the items for sale, converting the structural system of the construction to the mean by which the products are organised and exposed.    

The retail shop “tie gallery” has been published in greek architectural magazines and has been presented in the “6th Biennale of Young Greek Architects” in 2010.